Laser Hair Removal

The Aesthetics Studio

Medical Spa located in Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA

Eliminating unwanted hair, whether on your face or legs, can be a major hassle. But it doesn’t have to be with a permanent laser hair removal procedure at The Aesthetics Studio, a medical spa located in Hollywood, California.

Laser Hair Removal Q & A

What is laser hair removal and how does it work?

Laser hair removal means putting an end to painful plucking and waxing, messy depilatory creams, and the hassle of shaving. At The Aesthetics Studio we offer permanent reduction of unwanted hair with advanced laser therapy. Our laser system works at various wavelengths that allow us to treat all types of skin, including darker tones. It’s a simple, minimal discomfort, procedure in which a laser emits a beam of light energy through the skin to destroy individual hair follicles. In doing so, hair is unable to ever grow out of this follicle again. Our laser enables exact precision so surrounding tissue is not harmed. Because laser hair removal only damages actively growing hair follicles, multiple treatments are usually necessary to accomplish desired hair reduction goals. The number of sessions required depends on hair density and the size of the area treated. Most patients achieve their desired results in 2 to 6 appointments.

What body parts can laser hair removal be used on?

Hair removal is effective on most body parts. Among those most frequently treated are the:

  • Bikini area
  • Underarms
  • Legs
  • Arms
  • Face (most often the upper lip)

What should I expect during my hair removal procedure?

Nearly every body area can be treated in a 30-minute appointment. Most women and men do not experience any pain and describe the sensation as similar to that of a light rubber band snap. Best of all, there is no downtime. Patients are able to resume their regular daily activities immediately after treatment.

Does laser hair removal produce permanent results?

In most cases, a permanent reduction in hair is achieved, which is why laser hair removal is among the most popular medically-administered cosmetic procedures. Occasionally, hormonal changes can cause unwanted hair to return. If that occurs, it can be easily retreated.