Body Sculpting Specialist

The Aesthetics Studio

Medical Spa located in Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA

Whether your problem area is a stubborn muffin top or thick thighs, the professionals at The Aesthetics Studio, a medical spa located in Hollywood, California offers an array of body sculpting options that can help.

Body Sculpting Q & A

What is body sculpting?

Body sculpting is a cosmetic medical procedure used to contour the body by spot reducing fat deposits from tough-to-lose areas. Often exercise and diet aren’t able to eradicate fat accumulations from certain body spotas. Fortunately, several safe and effective sculpting treatments are available to tackle these areas, offering contouring to achieve the physique you’ve always wanted –permanently.

What body sculpting procedures are offered at The Aesthetics Studio?

We use the safest and most advanced choice, SculpSure. Just approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2015, this leading-edge system has already become immensely popular. It’s easy to see why. SculpSure is a simple and highly-effective office procedure that requires no anesthesia or downtime. It utilizes a controlled light-based laser applied to the surface of the skin. This light energy penetrates beneath to kill fat cells. Up to four different problem spots can be treated at the same time, and the entire process takes only 25 minutes. Over a 6 to 12-week period following treatment, the body naturally eliminates the destroyed cells.

What kind of results can I expect?

As much as a 24% reduction in fat can be experienced after just one treatment. Still, most patients opt for one or more follow-up sessions for more dramatic results. The ideal SculpSure candidate is not significantly overweight, but with unwanted fat accumulations in hard-to-loose spots. Among the biggest benefits: results are permanent. Once fat cells are destroyed they won’t return. When individuals gain or lose weight, their fat cells expand or contract, accordingly. But new ones won’t develop. If weight is gained post SculpSure treatment, fat will not accumulate in different areas than those that were treated.

What are the advantages of SculpSure over other body contouring options?

Unlike other cosmetic body contouring systems, such as CoolSculpting or liposuction, SculpSure causes minimal discomfort, it is non-invasive, unlikely to cause bruising, and doesn’t entail any downtime. In addition, SculpSure also involves lesser risks and is quicker; larger areas of the body can be treated in less time.